The important work supported by the Young Institute is conducted at a variety of well-equipped Purdue labs.

Continuous Tableting Pilot Plant

The Continuous Tableting Pilot Plant, located in Flex Lab, can be configured for either direct compression or dry granulation mode and its operation is integrated and controlled using an Emerson Digital Control System. To enable process control, critical process variables are monitored using a portfolio of on-line measurement systems, based on spectroscopic, capacitance, image processing and gravimetric techniques. The facility is complemented with a digital twin which models its real time operation. For more information, contact Gintaras (Rex) Reklaitis, reklaiti@purdue.edu.

IMPH Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Core Facility

The R.E. Heine Pharmacy Building on the Purdue University campus houses the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Core Facility under the auspices of the Department of Industrial and Molecular Pharmaceutics (IMPH). The facility provides campus-wide support and capabilities for a wide range of research in pharmaceutical development and manufacturing. The facility’s equipment and capabilities page offers specifics.

LyoHUB Lyophilization Technology Demonstration Facility

LyoHUB is the Advanced Lyophilization Technology Hub, and its mission is to advance the science and technology of freeze-drying, also known as lyophilization, which is critical to lengthening shelf-life in pharmaceuticals. That technology is particularly relevant in pharmaceutical manufacturing. The LyoHUB Lyophilization Technology Demonstration Facility, located in the Birck Nanotechnology Center at Purdue Discovery Park, offers a variety of research equipment.

Center for Particulate Products and Processes

The Center for Particulate Products and Processes (CP3) hosts the Continuous Solids Processing Pilot Plant & Particle, Powder, and Compact Characterization Laboratory. This lab is located in the A.A. Potter Engineering Center on the Purdue campus. More than two dozen pieces of equipment are available. For more detailed information, contact Marcial Gonzalez, marcial-gonzalez@purdue.edu.

Indiana Manufacturing Institute

The 10,000-square-foot Young Institute facility in the Indiana Manufacturing Institute will host four manufacturing areas, a shared analytical space and more, all dedicated to speeding the pharmaceutical manufacturing process.